NBR to continue ‘Tax Card’ distribution


Economic Reporter :
Taxpayers will be able to collect ‘Tax Card’ from the revenue authorities after November 30 as the National Board of Revenue (NBR) has decided to continue distribution of this card because of huge response from the taxpayers.
“We decided to give taxpayers Tax Card till November 30, the last day of income tax return submission but huge response from the taxpayers has encouraged us to change this decision. We will continue to distribute the card,” said NBR commissioner Kanon Kumar Roy, who is looking after the Tax Card distribution of NBR.
Tax Card is also being distributed from tax-camps and taxpayers are collecting this card standing in long queue. NBR distributed 91,250 Tax Card during the Income Tax Fair held at its Agargaon office from November 1 to 7, he added.
He said NBR distributed Tax Card in Dhaka and Chittagong and it has a plan to distribute this card from all income tax fairs in next year.
“We’ve so far distributed a total of 1,20,000 cards,” he added.
A taxpayer can collect Tax Card by submitting slip of his income tax return. “Tax Card has been introduced to encourage taxpayers to pay tax. It is also a recognition for a taxpayer from the NBR,” said NBR chairman Md Nojibur Rahman.
He said NBR will take steps so that the Tax Card holders can get priority in receiving services from state entities.
