NBR drive to track pvt firm tax evaders

UNB, Dhaka :
The National Board of Revenue (NBR) is collecting the names and salary statements of officials and employees
of private sector organisations aiming to detect possible taxpayers.
“We’re very much hopeful about collecting a significant amount of revenue from this area as a good number of private organisations are involved in evading tax while paying salaries and wages to their officials and employees,” a senior NBR official told UNB.
The NBR is now gathering information about the officials and employees of all private universities, colleges, schools, private hospitals, diagnostic centres, private companies, television channels, posh
hotels and other organisations like these. Responding to a query, the NBR official said it is an open secret that a good number of private organisations disburse their salaries and wages in cash, and there are two types of record books for this purpose-one is genuine and another is fake one to show government agencies.
“The record books which are shown to government agencies contain lower salary structure just to evade tax,” the official said.