Nayeem Gahar’s first anniversary of death today


Kazi Liakat Hossain :
First anniversary of death of living legend Nayeem Gahar is going to be observed today (October 6).
As we remember Nayeem Gahar-an ambidexter, multitalented and legendary personality in the cultural and literary arena
With a heavy heart the nation is going to observe first death anniversary of Nayeem Gahar. He was ambidexterous, multitalented, legendary celebrity, poet, lyricist, writer, novelist, actor, singer, painter, playwright and BBC (London) news caster, commentator and what not? This is Nayeem Gahar who was born on 14th August, 1936 and he died on 6 October 2015. Throughout his student life he did brilliant results, having had first position in B.A. examination from Dhaka University in 1955. He was adept in both Bengali and English literature. He hails from Bikrampur, Village, Shepahipara, Rampal, Munshigonj. He got himself admitted into DU in International Relations department. But because of family liabilities, he had to leave university and joined in a multinational pharmaceutical company (Pfizer).
From his college life he used to write poems in English in the then (Pakistan Observer) A. Salam was a giant editor of ‘The Pakistan Observer.’ He wrote several articles and poems both in English and Bengali in different national dailies during Pakistan period and after liberation of Bangladesh.
When I was a student of class VII/VIII, I used to visit his Dhaka residence, whenever my school was closed I would go to visit him, he tought me English as well as pronunciation and spelling. His way of talking was British like and delivering lecture in English was so sweet and lucid that every audience used to become charm hearing his lecture.
He was really my preceptor (Guru) in my journalism life. Another giant and doyen of journalism was late Obaidul Hoque. I learnt from him the writing style of journalism. It is also miracle that both the giants died in the month of October 2007 and 2015. As the litterateurs say, “Memories Unfaded, Unforgettable”. This is also true for all. I can’t forget him (Gahar) whenever his face flashes in my mind’s eye. I remember one day in 1967 Gahar Bhai (he happens to be my first cousin). Asked me, “will you go with me to see Mehdi Hasan who has come to East Pakistan to sing Ghajals and he was supposed to sing my song written in Bengali”. “I promptly replied, obviously I will go”. And I met that Ghajal emperor Mehdi Hasan and exchanged greetings. It was a gala day for me. After his (Mehdi) death I wrote an article which was published in Daily Star, The New Nation. I showed Gahar Bhai the article and he read it very attentively and praised me highly. In another occasion I recall, once I was introduced by him with media personality Fazle Lohani, late Syed Shamsul Hoq who recently passed away was another genius litterateur, poeat, lyricist, writer, playwright, novelist etc . Both of them(Gahar & Syed Hoq were contemporary & can claim to be shabba shaci(Ambidexters). Because they touched very every branch of litterateur & they had become successful. I was fortunate enough that once I was introduced to Syed Hoq by my cousin Gahar at his office. Lohani was Senior to Syed Hoq & Nayeem Gahar but they had a very cordial relation. They were very bosom friend, Fazle Lohani used to come to Gahar’s office in Motijheel C/A off and on. B.T.V. magazine program was introduced by both Gahar and Fazle Lohani. The very name of magazine program was given by Gahar “jodi kicho mone na koren” and a title song was also written by him Ichhey kore keu jodi bhul kore se bhul dhoriye dite jodi kichhu mone na koren. It was very successful program. This magazine program had continued till his (Lohani) death. The present “Ettadi” B.T.V. program which is run by eminent T.V personality Hanif Shanket. He was also involved with Lohani and Nayeem Gahar. He assisted the Jodi Kichhu Mone Na Koren programme. I was also attended the first recording programme on BTV.
The following are the some rare works of Gahar. He wrote many inspirational songs which inspired the freedom fighters during liberation war. Such as ‘Jonmo Aamar Dhonno Holo Maago’ sung by national artistes Sabina Yasmin and Feruza Begum music composed by Azad Rahman. ‘Nongor tolo tolo shomoy je holo holo ‘, ‘Pube oi akashe surja othese aloke alokmoy, joy joy joy joy bangla,’ ‘Shagor parete jhar jage jodi jagte dao jagte dao’ these rare songs were composed by a renowed music director late Samar Das. He also wrote some modern popular songs sung by Ferdousi Rahman ‘Herer angti fele dilam jole dokhkho kichu nai,’ ‘Ami raza amar mukut kere neona,’ another popular song sung by a noted artiste Saiful Islam ‘Sonar kathi ropur kathi tumar hate dilam’ Khorshed Alam another reputed singer sang the following modern song ‘Tumi bolo andhakare kach kokhono herer moto jole.’ In 1964, when first BTV started its program (the then D.I.T) now Rajuk. His written drama was telecast in the name of ‘Pakhi aamar Joyanta’ directed by Abdullah Al-Mamun. Main artists of the drama were Golam Mostafa and Sojata.
In fine, it will be our earnest request to the Prime Minister to support the family and provide his only son Joyonta and also may kindly be provided permanent shelter for the family.
