Navy to have 2 subs in mid-2016: PM

UNB, Bagerhat :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday said two submarines will join the navy fleet in mid-2016 as part of efforts to build a skilled, modern and balanced three-dimensional Navy.
“…a process for the induction of two submarines in the Navy has already been finalised and those will join the navy fleet in mid-2016, Insha Allah,” she said.
The Prime Minister was addressing a function at the commissioning of locally built country’s first oil fleet tanker BNS Khan Jahangir Ali, two landing craft utilities BNS Sandwip and BNS Hatia as well as handing over of two landing craft tank (LCT) LCT-103 and LCT-105 at the Naval Berth at Mongla, Bagerhat.
Sheikh Hasina said all concerned will have to remain active in continuing the efforts of making the Bangladesh Navy as a technology-based costly force, befitting with the limited resources of the country.
Stressing that Bangladesh does not want war, the Prime Minister vowed to build standard battle ship in the country in near future.
She said, her government will equip Bangladesh Navy for protecting sea resources and curbing smuggling of arms and goods through round-the-clock patrol in maritime areas as
well as keeping the marine routes open even during any war.
Paying profound respect to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Hasina said the great leader immediately after the country’s independence had taken strong measures to establish a strong naval force to protect the country’s maritime boundary.
Due to geographical position and strategic reasons, she said, the role of Bangladesh Navy in protecting Bangladesh’s maritime boundary and its resources is undeniable.