Navy distributes relief among flood-hit people in Munshiganj


Bangladesh Navy (BN) has been distributing relief materials among the flood-hit poor people at Sreenagar upazila in Munshiganj district.
They distributed food materials among 1200 families in areas of Hasara, Rarikhal, Bhagyakul, Baghra and Kolapara union of the upazila, said a release of Inter Services Public Relations Directorate (ISPR).
Each of the families were given – rice, pulses, oil, flattened rice, sugar, puffed rice, molasses, salt, candles, matches, saline, water purification tablets and pure water.
Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), local chairman and public representatives were present at the time.
BN will continue such a relief distribution programme until the flood situation improves further.
