
Revived With This Covid-19

Md. Shibbir Ahmed Tashfik :
The history of the pandemic is not new; outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during prehistoric times. Many people have died in it. Scientists at the time blamed environmental disasters for the outbreaks of malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, or influenza. It is difficult to assess or measure the environmental hazards of a place or region in a few days or months; but due to the continuous deforestation, destruction of wildlife habitats, poaching and trafficking of wild animals, the economic, public health and other accounts are now in our hands. How much is going to be compensated or will ever be! But the question is – what is the relationship between the infection and the environment?
The emergence and spread of COVID-19 was not only a perception but also a new virus that would spread from wild animals to the human body, posing a serious threat to public health, researchers predicted long ago. Researchers believe that the main reason for the outbreak is the hunting of wild animals, smuggling and illegal trade in different national animals. This virus is a catastrophe that has resulted in serious and irreparable damage to biodiversity. The incidence of infectious diseases from wild animals and domesticated animals is 75 percent. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during domestic animals such as cows, goats, buffaloes, camels, etc.
The global COVID-19 outbreak has a temporary positive effect on the environment. Significant reductions in air pollution in developing and developed industrialized countries, especially in nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, biological oxygen demand (BOD) in water, and significant increase in dissolved oxygen. Experts believe that one of the reasons for the pandemic is the failure to implement climate change, including pollution control and wildlife conservation set by the Paris Agreement in 2015. As a result of this outbreak, the environmental pollution has regained some percentage of its balance, but it is certain that it will return to that warmth after the outbreak.
If the issue of environmental pollution is noticed, then the downward indicator will also be observed. The heart of the country ‘Dhaka’ can be an example of this. On July 7, 2020, according to Air Visual, a US-based world-class air verification technology company, the Air Quality Index (AQI) was 70 in Dhaka, where its value is always between 400 to 500. This is definitely good news for us. However, it is feared that if the situation returns to normal, the index will rise again globally.
Cox’s Bazar, the longest beach in the world, has no noise during this lockdown in COVID-19. In this deserted silence of the beach kingdom, ‘Sagarlata’ has become intoxicated with making green carpets. Innumerable varieties of unnamed flowers are blooming in this green net. Sagarlata (scientific name: Ipomea pes-caprae) is a creeping and fast-growing plant. Its English name is Railroad, which means ‘Railway Lata’ in Bengali. It can be more than 100 feet long. According to environmentalists, Sagarlata is very important for the survival of other beach animals such as crabs and birds. Its green leaves protect the soil from the sun’s rays in such a way that the heat of the sun does not evaporate excess water from the soil. This enables them to create an ideal environment for other animals, including beneficial bacteria in the soil below.
The free movement of turtles has also been added to the seashore. A group of turtles are roaming the vast sandy beach of the sea without any hindrance. They have already started laying eggs. Listed as an endangered species, the sea turtle plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the marine environment, especially in maintaining the food chain. On the other hand, after many years, the team of dolphins came very close to the locality and competed in the somersault. Even at this juncture of the country, this captivating dance of the dolphin is like authentic information about the awakening of the glorious environment and nature.
Thousands of people are dying due to global warming, water and air pollution, and adverse effects on biodiversity and soil. If we don’t fix it with the right plan, the consequences will be terrible. Natural resources will be destroyed, immigration will increase and conflict will increase. We don’t know if the impact of COVID-19 on the overall environment is good news for environmentalists, but it is the responsibility and duty of the world to learn from this changed environment. Those who have disturbed the environment will set a limit to their luxurious life to keep the environment calm-that is desirable.
(Md. Shibbir Ahmed Tashfik is a Post-graduation Student and Research Assistant, IWFM (BUET). Email: [email protected]).