Nat’l workshop on Biology held at IU


A national workshop on ‘Bioinformatics and Computational Biology’ held at Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia.
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (BGE) Department and Statistics Department of the university jointly organized the national workshop on Sunday in collaboration with Bangladesh Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Association (BBCBA) and Bioinformatics Research Group of Rajshahi University (BioRGRU).
The workshop was held at the hall room of 2nd science building of the campus with the financial support of Higher Educational Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) of RU Statistics Department.
IU Vice Chancellor Professor Dr M Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari addressed the workshop as the chief guest while IU Applied Science Faculty Dean Professor Dr M Shamsul Alam and RU Statistics Department Professor Dr Md Nurul Hoque Mollah, among others, were present as special guests.
Professor of IU Statistics Department Dr M Kamal Uddin presided over the workshop where chairman of BGE Department Dr Nilufa Akhter Banu addressed the welcome speech.
