Nat’l Taskforce Committee visits Rohingya camps

UNB, Cox’s Bazar :
The National Taskforce on Implementation of Strategy on Myanmar Refugees and Undocumented Myanmar Nationals on Wednesday visited three Rohingya camps at Teknaf and Ukhia upazilas in the district.
As part of their two-day meeting, the members of the taskforce committee visited unregistered Rohingya camp in Ukhia, New Rohingya camp at Balukhali and unregistered Leda camp. The committee members also went to the Kutupalong Rohingya camp this morning.
District Commissioner Md Ali Hossian said the 41-member taskforce committee includes two important secretaries of the government- D Kamal Uddin, secretary to Home Ministry and Ishtiak Ahmed, Environment and Forests secretary. They will sit in a formal meeting on Thursday at 10am at a hotel at Inani beach.