Nat’l Statistics Day

Data Be Reliable, Valid For Development


Md. Azgar Ali :
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) is observing February 27, 2021 as ‘National Statistics Day’ under the theme ‘ Reliable Statistics Parts of Sustainable Development’. In the current global context, reliable statistics serves as an integral part of national development. We do not know the exact statistical data that show the sudden tumble and flounder of all kinds of socio-economic development in almost all the countries of this planet. We see, but don’t know the real figure of people dying every day due to Covid-19 worldwide and its authentic numerical calculation is a burning issue. Exact data is therefore needed to be reliable for all over the people of the world.
Now it has become as a surprise to all thoughtful researchers who work with data. Statistics are a measure of development and progress of any country. The importance of statistics in determining the pace and nature of all other activities of the society including economy and in formulating development plans is immense. The more accurate the statistics, the easier it will be for policy makers to plan and make decisions. Come what may, the statistics paint a picture of the socio-economic condition of a country which shows the progress and inequality of that country.
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman knew that accurate statistics were a prerequisite for effective planning. In the midst of the financial crisis and busy schedule in war-torn newly independent Bangladesh, Bangabandhu completed the first census of Bangladesh in March 1974. His aim then was to rebuild the war-torn country. To formulate and implement a realistic plan with a comprehensive idea of education, health, food, rural housing and water supply for the people of independent Bangladesh burdened with population burden. In July 1, 1973 the First five-year long-term plan (1973-78) was implemented. The main goal of the First Five Year Plan was to reduce poverty. The strategy to achieve the goal was to increase job opportunities, equitable distribution, increase agricultural and industrial production, and increase economic growth from 3% to 5.5%. Realizing the importance of statistics in formulating proper planning, development and monitoring of progress in Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman established the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) in 1974 by consolidating and coordinating a few separate organizations engaged in statistical activities.
Undoubtedly, there has been a change in our economy. Bangladesh is now on the track of development. Bangladesh is going to attain the status of a developing country. Bangladesh’s irresistible steady economic growth and transition from underdeveloped to developing zone is not a personal legacy; rather, the reason why it has grown up is that there are a number of social and economic indicators that statisticians in the form of data have presented to the nation through relentless efforts. Hopefully, the Statistics Act-2013 has been enacted to protect the public interest. It needs to be implemented in the light of specific and conscious government policy.
There is no substitute for accurate and consistent statistics for the transition from a least developed country to a developing country, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, and overall national development. In addition, accurate statistics are essential to achieve all national and regional milestones, including the 8th Five Year Plan, Vision 2041 and Delta Plan 2100. Bangladesh has shown unimaginable success in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Those who one day expressed skepticism about the survival of Bangladesh and slandered it the ‘basket case’, let the flowers fall on their faces and Bangladesh is now called the role model of development. Keeping this reputation and implementing SDGs, becoming a developed and prosperous country by 2041 and introduction of a peaceful and inclusive society through the implementation of Delta Plan in 2100, effective and accountable statistics is imperative at every level. This is the pledge of National Statistics Day.

(Mr. Azgar is Publicity Sectary, Bangladesh Statistical Association. E-mail: [email protected])
