Nat’l Library Day observed


The National Library Day was observed across the country on Tuesday aiming to encourage people to read book to build a prosperous nation.
Marking the day, different organisations took elaborate programmes.
Institute of Diploma Engineers, Bangladesh (IDEB) arranged a discussion at its office in the capital.
In Kushtia, the authorities of Islamic University (IU) observed the National Librabry Day on the campus with the slogan of “Read books in library to create enlightened people”.
Marking the day, a colorful procession was brought out from the administrative building premises with the participation of teachers, students and officials of the university, which ended at the central Library of the university after parading the main roads of the campus.
In coordination with the Department of Public Libraries, the British Council’s Libraries Unlimited Project and Cultural Centre celebrated the National Library in the capital with the slogan of “Let’s read books in Libraries and develop enlightened minds”.

In Rangpur, a colourful rally with participation of government officials and employees, educationists, private sector library activities, civil society members, teachers, students and elite was brought out on the city streets.
Deputy Commissioner Enamul Habib led the rally and attended a discussion with Assistant Director of the Divisional Public Library Md Abed Ali in the chair.
