Nationwide Digital Fair 2020 starts through online platform

BSS, Dhaka :
With an aim to present digital activities of all 64 districts to citizens through Bangladesh National Portal, the government yesterday virtually started Digital Fair 2020.
State Minister for ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak will officially inaugurate the three-day fair today through Zoom online platform while ICT Division Senior Secretary NM Ziaul Alam will preside over the programme, an official release said.
All divisional and deputy commissioners, additional deputy commissioners (education and ICT), grass root level programmers and assistant programmers of ICT Division will also join the programme.
ICT Division and a2i organizing the three-day fair, which can be visited by clicking on the link-
The main aim of the fair is to include different texts, presentations, photographs, videos and other information on digital activities of different districts in the National Portal and presenting those to citizens, added the release.