Nationalisation of Daulatpur Muhsin Girls’ High School demanded

Khulna Correspondent :
Teachers, students and staff of Daulatpur Muhsin Girls’ High School, located at Daulatpur area in Khulna City formed a human chain on Wednesday at Daulatpur Traffic Intersection on Khulna-Jessore Highway to press home their demand of nationalisation of the School.
School sources said, Daulatpur Muhsin Girls’ High School was established in 1952. The total area of the school is 1.42 acres of lands while more than 800 female students have been studying in this school. So many meritorious students who passed from this school are now at different positions at different parts of home and abroad. Begum Monnuzan Sufian, lawmaker of Khulna-3 constituency was also the student of this school.
Teachers, students and local persons of different political and cultural organizations observed the human chain on demand of nationalization of the school.
Sheikh Syed Ali, BJA chairman and also President of Daulatpur Thana Unit Awami League addressed the human chain as Chief guest.
Among others who spoke and delivered speeches during the human chain were- Freedom fighter Md. Nur Islam Bando, Sheikh Ashrafuzzaman, Headmaster of the school Md. Nazrul Islam, Sheikh Kamruzzaman, Md. Shahidul Islam Joardar (Headmaster of Muhsin Boys’ school), Sheikh Kamaluddin Bacchu,Shahin Jamal Pon, Md Sazzad Hossain Toton, Rana Parvez Sohel.
