Nationalisation of 5500 pry schools planned

M M Jasim :
The government has taken massive initiative to nationalise at least 5,500 primary schools across the country.
The Primary and Mass Education Ministry sources said the government took the decision to make several thousand primary schools nationalized in view of the teachers’ demand.
In the meantime, the Prime Minister’s Office has sent a letter to the Primary and Mass Education Ministry to take proper step to prepare a list.
Additional Secretary of the Primary and Mass Education Ministry AFM Monzur Kadir said many MPs had sent application with Demi-Official Letter to the Ministry to consider schools in their constituencies for nationalization..
 “The PMO asked the Mass Education Ministry to prepare a list and we did that and sent it to the concern office. Now the government will decide,” Monzur Kadir said.
Monzur Kadir said, “We will take further initiative after getting government’s nod.”
An official of the Ministry wishing anonymity told The New Nation that the government would try to cash popularity in nationalizing the primary schools.
 “It is the election year. The government is trying to meet the demands of the primary teachers of the non-government primary schools thinking that it will help the AL to win the
next national elections,” he said. The government has already nationalized 26,193 primary schools established before May 9 of 2012.
But, around 6,000 primary educational institutions were not included in the third phase of the nationalization process despite fulfilling the prerequisites for the process.
Bangladesh Besharkari Prathomik Shikkhak Samity President Mamunur Rashid welcomed the government decision and requested the Ministry to implement it as early as possible.
He said, “Committees were formed at district and upazila levels to recommend primary schools, suitable for nationalization. Unfortunately, we were left out though all the criteria existed.
Mamunur claims their schools operate like any other government primary schools and their students participate in Primary Education Completion Examination every year. Yet they are excluded from the nationalization process.
 “We have jobs, but we have no salaries. Hence we are leading inhumane lives. We will continue our protest till our demand is met,” he said.
Bangladesh Non-Government Primary Teachers’ Association President Shamsul Alam said as many as 6,000 primary schools are yet to be nationalized due to bureaucratic complications despite the announcement of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.