National wrestling competition begins today


The 32nd men’s and 6th women’s national wrestling competition begins today (Sunday) at the Shaheed Captain M Mansur Ali Handball Stadium in the city.
National Sports Council Secretary (Joint Secretary) Ashok Kumar Biswas is expected to inaugurate the two-day meet as the chief guest.
A total of 150 men and women wrestlers from different districts, divisions, services and teams from across the country will compete in the meet, organized by Bangladesh Amateur Wrestling Federation.
The competition will be held in 16 categories which includes eight of men’s and eight of women’s.
The men’s weight categories are 57, 61, 65, 70, 74, 86, 97 and 125 kgs while the women’s weight categories are 48, 53, 55, 58, 60, 63, and 75 kgs.
