National VAT week begins

Economic Reporter :
The National Board of Revenue (NBR) Chairman M Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan on Monday formally inaugurated the National VAT Day and VAT Week through releasing balloons and pigeons.
The NBR Chairman inaugurated the VAT Day and VAT Week at a function held on the premises of the NBR in city’s Segunbagicha area. The NBR will observe the VAT Week across the country including in the capital from December 10-15 through observing various programmes.
Film Actors Ferdous, Afzal Hossain, NBR member Ziauddin Mahmud, Kanan Kumar Roy, Jamal Hossain and other high officials of tax administration were present on the occasion.
Speaking at the inaugural function, NBR chairman M Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan said that VAT is a notable part of realizing revenue of the government as this accounts for around 37-38 percent of the country’s overall revenue collection.
Mosharraf said it is very much necessary to bring the revenue system under full automation adding, “Automation is under process and it will be completed very soon. If the automation process is done properly, then it will be possible to get accurate information on VAT and tax,” Noting that there is no alternative to raising the revenue collection for the development of the country, the NBR Chairman said that the country is supposed to get more VAT in such a populous country like Bangladesh, but the government is not getting that level of VAT.
“For that we are conducting various campaigns side by side motivating the countrymen with patriotism to give more VAT and tax,” he added.
The Chairman of the NBR also cautioned the revenue officials to ensure that the businessmen or taxpayers are not harassed while paying their taxes.