National Savings Week observed in Gaibandha


BSS, Gaibandha :
National Savings Week-2014 was observed in the district in a befitting manner as elsewhere in the country from April 05 to 11 with a call to bring more investors under different savings schemes.
District National Savings Office had taken up elaborate programmes to observe the week.
The programmes included publicity through miking, distribution of posters and banners and motivational meetings at the government and non-government offices, industries, business establishments and academic institutions.
Earlier, on April 05, a discussion meeting was also held at the auditorium of Public Library and Club of the town here with assistant director (AD) of Directorate of National Savings SM Anisur Rahman in the chair.
Additional deputy commissioner (General) Abu Bakar Siddique addressed the function and formally inaugurated the week as the chief guest.
The ADC termed the savings as the symbol of self- dependence and golden future for all.
He urged all to invest more money in different profitable schemes of the department for boosting investment in the country.
The schemes on 5-year Bangladesh Sanchaypatra, 3-month profitable based Sanchaypatra, Pensioner Sanchaypatra and Paribar Sanchaypatra are running , said SM Anisur Rahman.
