National Mourning Day programmes in dists

Narsingdi Correspondent :
The district administration at a preparatory meeting here on Tuesday finalized an elaborate programme to observe the National Mourning Day and the 43th anniversary of martyrdom of Father of the
Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on August 15 in a befitting manner.
Deputy Commissioner Seyda Farhana Kawnine presided over the meeting held in the conference room of the deputy commissioner.
Police Super Shaifullah Al Mamon, deputy director of Local Government Division ATM Mahabubul Karim and Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Abdul Awal, among others, were present.
A number of sub-committees were formed to make the National Mourning Day programme a success.
The programme included hoisting of the national flag at half-must atop all public and private buildings, placing wreaths at the memorial altar of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, brining out mourning procession and holding doa mahfil and special prayers for peace of the departed souls of the August 15 martyrs.
A discussion meeting on “Bangabandur Bangladesh” will be held at Shilpakala Academy in the evening. After the discussion, quiz and debate competition on the life and works of Bangabandhu will also be held.
BSS from Rangpur reports : The district administration at a preparatory meeting today chalked out programmes to observe the National Mourning Day- 2018 and 43rd martyrdom anniversary of Architect of Independence and Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on August 15.
Deputy Commissioner Enamul Habib presided over the meeting held at his conference room with participation of officials of law enforcement agencies, freedom fighters, heads of government departments and educational institutions, politicians and civil society members.
Acting President of district Awami League (AL) Mamtaz Uddin Ahmed, District Muktijoddha Commander Mosaddek Hossain Bablu, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Rabiul Islam, Deputy Director (Local Government) Ruhul Amin Mian,
Additional Police Super Abu Maruf Hasan, Vice-presidents of city AL Shamim Talukder and Shah Md Nabiullah Panna, Senior District Information Officer Humayun Kobir, among others, addressed.
The observance will begin through hoisting of the national flag at half-mast atop all government, semi-government, autonomous, private buildings and educational institutions after sunrise.
Later, wreaths will be placed at the mural of Bangabandhu on the Bangabandhu Square before observing one-minute silence, offering special munajats and bringing out a mourning procession at 9:30 am. The District Information Office will screen documentary films on ‘Chironjib Bangabandhu’, Osomapta Mohakabbyo’, ‘Amader Bangabandhu’, ‘Swadhinota Amar Swadhinota’, ‘Swadhinota Amader Ki Kore Halo’ and Guerrilla at cinema halls and open places all over the district from August 1-15.
A number of discussions on the life and works of Bangabandhu will be arranged in schools, colleges and madrasas where milad mahfil, special munajat and prayers will also be offered.
The district office of Bangladesh Shishu Academy will organise drawing and essay writings competitions on life and deeds of Bangabandhu and true national history on its premises in the city. Rangpur Betar Kendra will air special programmes and local newspapers will publish special supplements on Bangabandhu on the day. The Islamic Foundation will organise programmes, including recitation from the Holy Qur’an, Hamd, Naat and Doa mahfil and a special discussion on Bangabandhu at its auditorium.
BSS from Khulna reports : Different organisations have chalked out elaborate programmes in the city on August 15 to observe the National
Mourning Day and 43th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
District administration held a meeting at its conference room in this regard with deputy commissioner Amin-ul-Ahsan in the chair.
The programmes include hoisting of national flag at half-mast in all government, semi-government, autonomous and private buildings, mourning procession, discussion, placing wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu, distribution of leaflets and posters, screening of films on life and works of Bangabandhu, and special milad mahfils and prayers at all religious institutions.

Besides, competitions on painting, essay writing and recitation of poems
will be arranged in the educational institutions and other places.


Khulna District Information Office, Islamic Foundation, Khulna Betar,
Khulna University (KU), Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
(KUET) and other organisations will take the same programmes marking the day.

Local unit of Bangladesh Awami League and its front-organisations and
other political parties have also taken various programmes marking the day.
