National Mourning Day observed at missions abroad


The National Mourning Day and 42nd martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was observed on Tuesday in the Bangladesh missions abroad with due solemnity.
The missions of Bangladesh in Washington DC in the USA, Colombo in Sri Lanka, Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata in India, Karachi in Pakistan, Tashkent in Uzbekistan, Paris in France, Tokyo in Japan and the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York organized elaborate programmes on the day.
The programmes included wearing of black badges by the members of staff of the missions, hoisting of the national flag at half-mast, reading out the messages of the President, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister, placing wreaths at the portraits of Bangabandhu, observing one-minute silence to pay homage to Bangabandhu, holding discussions, poster exhibitions, screening of documentary on Bangabandhu, blood donation, charity programmes, offering special prayers, milad and doa mahfil.
Bangladesh Embassy in Washington DC organized a discussion titled ‘Life and Achievement of Bangabandhu’. Prime Minister’s Political Advisor HT Imam, Ambassador Mohammad Ziauddin, Professor Zia Khan and Engineer Mizanur Rahman, among others, addressed the discussion.
Later, Anis Ahmed of VOA recited poems on Bangabandhu and a documentary on life and works of Bangabandhu was screened.
Bangladesh High Commission in Delhi, India organised a discussion titled, ‘Bangabandhu’s Vision for Peace, Progress and Prosperity in South Asia and Beyond’ at the High Commission office at 3 pm.
Bangladesh High Commissioner Syed Muazzem Ali, former Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army General Deepak Kapoor, Professor S D Muni of Jawaharlal Nehru University and President of Delhi Press Club Gautam Lahiri spoke, among others, at the event.
Marking the day, Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Mumbai, India paid tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other family members who were assassinated by a group of disgruntled army personnel in a pre-dawn gruesome attack on August 15 in 1975.
