National level workshop on NFIS, BD held

Finance Minister A M A Muhith, was present as the chief guest at the national level workshop on National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) of Bangladesh, jointly arranged by Bangladesh Bank (BB) and Financial Institution Division under the Ministry at a
Finance Minister A M A Muhith, was present as the chief guest at the national level workshop on National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) of Bangladesh, jointly arranged by Bangladesh Bank (BB) and Financial Institution Division under the Ministry at a
Business Desk :
A national level workshop on National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) of Bangladesh was jointly organized by Bangladesh Bank and Financial Institution Division under Ministry of Finance on Thursday at the Westin Hotel in the city. The event was supported by Business Finance for the Poor in Bangladesh (BFP-B) project funded by UK aid, said a press release.
Minister Minister AMA Muhith, State Minister for Ministry of Finance and Planning MA Mannan, graced the event as the chief guest and the guest of honor respectively. The special guests of the programme were Abul Kalam Azad, Principal Coordinator of SDGs Affairs under Prime Minister’s Office, Bangladesh Bank Governor Fazle Kabir, Abdur Rouf Talukder, Secretary (In charge) of Finance Division of Finance Ministry and Jane Edmondson, Country Representative of DFID Bangladesh. Arijit Chowdhury, Additional Secretary of Financial Institution Division of Finance Ministry offered welcome remarks. Dr. MK Mujeri, Lead Consultant of NFIS report shared his experience about the preparation process of NFIS. Asif Iqbal, Deputy Director of Bangladesh Bank presented a comprehensive Power Point Presentation on National Financial Inclusion Strategy of Bangladesh to the audience of the event. Md. Eunusur Rahman, Senior Secretary of Finance Ministry moderated an open discussion session on National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) of Bangladesh in the workshop. The speakers discussed on the different aspects of NFIS for Bangladesh and stressed on the inter-alia coordination of all concerned government and private sector stake holders.
Bangladesh being a leading member of AFI committed internationally in 2014 to develop ‘National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) for Bangladesh’ as part of the signatory of Maya Declaration. This commitment was reiterated in 2015 during the Bangladesh visit of Queen Máxima of the Netherlands by the capacity of UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). Moreover, in accordance with the vision of Prime Minister of Bangladesh for sustainable financial inclusion, Government of Bangladesh’s flagship project for financial inclusion, ‘Ekti Bari Ekti Khamar’, started since 2009 playing a huge role in widening access to financial service for the underserved people. For stepping toward sustainable inclusion, Bangladesh needs developing its own ‘National Financial Inclusion Strategy’ onward. Accordingly, Bangladesh Bank and Ministry of Finance took an initiative to develop a complete draft of NFIS for Bangladesh with the support from the UK Government (as part of BFP-B project funded by UK aid). This initiative was started in 2016. By October 2018, the final draft along with diagnostic study report will be submitted to Cabinet of GoB which is the apex approval authority of NFIS for Bangladesh.