National Fisheries Week begins July 28

BSS, Dhaka :
National Fisheries Week 2015 will be observed in the country from July 28 to August 3.
The decision was taken today at a meeting at Fisheries and Livestock Ministry with Minister Sayedul Haq presiding, said an official release.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will formally inaugurate the fisheries week on July 29.
The theme of this year’s fisheries week is “Sagor, nodi sakol jole mach chashe sona fole.”
The ministry for fisheries and livestock has taken different programmes at the national and district levels marking the national fisheries week.
A rally will be brought from the National Press Club to Muktangan in the city at 8 am on July 28 marking the fisheries week.
The Prime Minister will formally inaugurate the week at a function at Krishibid Institute on July 29. She will give away National Fisheries Award and release fish fries in the Ganobhaban pond.
On the third day of the week, President Abdul Hamid will release fish fries in the Bangabhaban pond and Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith will inaugurate a five-day fish fair at Krishibid Institute in the evening.
On the fourth day of the programme, Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury will release fish fries in the Sangsad Bhaban lake.
On the fourth day, an art competition will be held at the Shishu Academy while discussion meetings and video screening will take place in different areas. A two-day fisheries technology fair will begin in Mymensingh on the day.