National Bank gets new DMD

Economic Reporter :
ASM Bulbul has recently joined National Bank Ltd as Deputy Managing Director, says a press release.
 Bulbul started his career as Probationary Officer in National Bank Ltd in the year 1984 and served in the bank till 1995. Subsequently, he worked in Southeast Bank Ltd., First Security Bank Ltd., Mercantile Bank Ltd and NRB Commercial Bank Ltd as Manager of different Branches and also holds important positions and worked on various capacities at Head Office of the Banks.
He is an MA with Honours from the University of Dhaka in 1983. During his 31 years long banking career he widely traveled both at home and abroad and attended different seminar, Symposium and also received different training over there. He is renowned as a dynamic banker in banking arena. He was born in Moulvibazar in 1959. He is a proud father of a son and daughter.
