National award given for providing better services


Health Minister Mohammed Nasim has asked the district health authorities to monitor hospitals under them “properly”.
He particularly asked them to follow whether doctors join their duties in time and hospitals have adequate supplies of medicines and equipment in order to provide the desired services to citizens.
“You help me. I’ll give you whatever you need,” he said on Tuesday while handing out awards to government hospitals recognised as offering “better services”. The ‘Health Minister National Award’ was instituted last year with support from the World Health Organisation (WHO) to encourage government hospitals to perform better with existing resources.
The minister said the award had been introduced to inspire hospitals and medical professionals working in them. “Those awarded will be inspired. Others will emulate them,” he hoped. This year 36 awards have been given at the national and Upazila levels – five each at the tertiary, district, and Upazila level hospitals.
Besides, five civil surgeons’ and two divisional directors’ offices, and two Upazila complexes in each division have been honoured with the award.
