Nation celebrates 44th Victory Day


The nation celebrated the 44th Victory Day commemorating its glorious victory in the nine-month bloody war against the Pakistani occupation forces in 1971 with a pledge to uphold the spirit of the Liberation War. Thousands of people paid rich tributes to the heroic sons of the soil who sacrificed their lives to attain the independence of their beloved mother land. Streets were flooded with the enthusiastic people carrying the banners of different political, social, cultural and professional organisations, and singing patriotic songs. The day was heralded with a 31-gun salute at dawn. People with the spirit of the Liberation War thronged the National Mausoleum at suburban Savar while President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina led the nation in paying homage to the 30 lakh martyrs who laid down their lives for the country, by placing wraths on the altar, as army bugles played the last post. The President and the Prime Minister paid homage to the martyred freedom fighters of the Liberation War by placing wreaths at the National Mausoleum around 6:34 am. After placing the wreaths, President Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stood there in solemn silence for some time to show their respects to the memories of the martyrs of the great Liberation War in 1971. A smartly turned out contingent drawn from the three services presented a state salute on the occasion while the bugle was played till the last post. The President also signed the visitor’s book there. The Speaker of Parliament, the Chief Justice, ministers, parliament members, the chiefs of the three services, freedom fighters, diplomats and high civil and military officials, wounded freedom fighters and family members of the gallantry award winning Bir Shreshtha were present on the occasion. Later, flanked by her party leaders, Sheikh Hasina, also the president of Bangladesh Awami League, placed another wreath at the National Mausoleum on behalf of her party. On this day in 1971, the chief of the Pakistani occupation forces, Gen AAK Niazi, along with his 93,000 Pakistani troops, surrendered at Ramna Racecourse, now Suhrawardy Udyan, in Dhaka following a miserable defeat to the joint forces of Mukti Bahini and Mitra Bahini. In one of the heinous acts of genocide in human history, the Pakistan army and their local collaborators had launched a barbarous crackdown on March 25, 1971 in the erstwhile East Pakistan at midnight past, killing innocent and unarmed people. The nation, under the leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, finally clinched independence on December 16 after the nine-month Liberation War. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also paid homage to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreaths at his portrait in front of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi in the morning, marking the Victory Day. Leader of the Opposition Raushan Ershad and BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia placed wreaths at the National Mausoleum at Savar in the morning to pay their tributes to the martyred freedom fighters. A colourful parade was held at the National Parade Square at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in the morning. Freedom fighters, members of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies took part in the parade. President Abdul Hamid took salute and inspected the parade as the chief guest. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was also present at the parade. The day was a public holiday. Different political parties, socio-cultural organisations and educational institutions observed the day with various programmes The national flag was hoisted atop all government and private buildings, while the government and semi-government buildings and other public places were illuminated and roads and islands decorated with flags and festoons in all cities of the country on the occasion. Special prayers were offered in mosques, temples, churches, pagodas and other places of worship seeking divine blessings for the peace and progress of the country. The President accorded a reception to freedom fighters at Bangabhaban in the afternoon. The destitute children visited the children park in the capital today free of cost. Improved diets were served in jails, hospitals, orphanages and vagrant homes across the country. National and party flags of Awami League were hoisted at the party’s central office at Bangabandhu Avenue at dawn. Awami League leaders and workers placed wreaths at the National Memorial at Savar at the same time. The ruling party leaders also paid tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreaths at his portrait at Bangabnadhu Bhaban at Dhanmondi in the city in the morning. Besides, the party leaders and workers placed wreaths at the graveyard of Bangabandhu at Tungipara in Gopalganj district. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also greeted the wounded freedom fighters and families of those embraced martyrdom in the Liberation War with flowers, sweets and fruits marking the Victory Day. The ruling party brought out a victory rally from Suhrawardy Udyan in the afternoon. BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia along with her party leaders and activists placed wreaths at the majar of late President and BNP founder Ziaur Rahman at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in the capital. Earlier in the morning, the party hoisted national and party flags atop the party offices, including Nayapaltan central one, marking the day. People across the country and the Bangladesh missions abroad also celebrated the occasion by paying tributes to the three million martyrs for their supreme sacrifice, which eventually earned the nation the glory of independence. –UNB, Dhaka.
