Nasim says Hartal called to save Khaleda from court appearance


UNB, Dhaka :Alleging that October 26 hartal has been called for saving BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia from not appearing before court, Awami League presidium member Mohammad Nasim on Friday warned stern action will be taken if there is any anarchy and terror activities during the hartal”Every possible action has been taken against Latif Siddique both from the party and the government for his derogatory comments on Hajj and religion. Why then hartal is called? This is only for one reason:Save Khlaleda Zia from appearing before the court on the day,” he said”This is completely an illogical hartal… We from the 14-party alliance urge the administration to take stern action against those who would violate law and cause damage to public life and property,” said Nasim, also the health minister and spokesperson of the 14-party alliance.He made the remarks at a press briefing after a meeting of the Awami League-led 14-party ruling alliance held at Awami League president Sheikh Hasina’s Dhanmondi office.About the BNP chairperson’s remarks Thursday from Nilphamari rally that ‘Hasina’s photo sessions with the heads of foreign nations won’t bring recognition for this government’, Nasim said Khaleda Zia made the remarks “out of despair and her defeat to us politically.”He added: “How can a former prime minister make such comments? We feel pity for her mental bankruptcy. She is insulting the voters of the country, the people of Bangladesh and democracy by such comments.”
