NASCIB for protection of interest of small, marginal traders


Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
The National Association of Small & Cottage Industries of Bangladesh (NASCIB ) arranged a press conference at local community center in Kishoreganj on Monday. NASCIB demands the cancellation of some clauses and sub-sections law against the interests of small and marginal traders in the draft amendment to the Smocking and Tobacco Products Use (Control) Act. They expressed concern over the proposal to take ‘unreasonable’ licenses to small and marginal traders.
Mujibur Rahman Belal, president of Chsmber of Commerce and Industries attended as chief and Daily Standirkhantha editor Ahammad -Ullah, Chamber Senior member Alauddin master were as special guests while NASCIB district president Sheikh Farid Ahmed president over.
Chamber said, the small and marginal traders are running out of water to bring salt. Most of them are considered floating shopkeepers in remote areas, who usually have no holding number.
This will endanger the livelihood of small traders, which will directly and indirectly affect the national economy. Therefore, this proposal of the government should be canceled for the sake of marginal traders.
Entrepreneurs and small and marginal businessmen from 13 upazilas of Kishoreganj were present in the press conference.
