Nahid’s resignation demanded in JS


Independent MP Tahjib Alam Siddique on Tuesday in Jatiya Sangsad demanded resignation of education minister Nurul Islam Nahid for his recent ‘controversial’ remarks about taking bribe.
Standing on a point of order in the house, the MP said the education minister’s recent ‘very controversial’ comments certainly curtailed the image of the present government.
Tahjib demanded the education minister’s explanation in parliament for his comment.
Tahjib, referring to newspapers reports, said the education minister at a programme at Shiksha Bhaban urged the government officials to take bribe at tolerable level, saying he (Nahid) has no moral courage to say them not to take bribe.’
Because he (Nahid) take bribes and ministers take bribe, the MP said.
The independent MP urged the education minister to first seek ‘unconditional apology’ standing in parliament to all ministers particularly those are carrying out their jobs transparently, honestly and remaining above all controversies.
Tajib said if the education minister is truly ‘self-declared corrupt’ he should withdraw himself from his post.
