Nahid for time-befitting steps to promote Jamdani


Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid on Sunday stressed the need for taking time-befitting initiatives to protect and promote “Jamdani” to preserve the glorious art of weaving .
“We all should be proud of Jamdani for its international recognition as an intangible cultural heritage declared by UNESCO. This recognition will create a scope for presenting extra-ordinary creative weaving works of “Jamdani” before the global community. “he told a seminar here.
Cultural Affairs Secretary Dr Ranjit Kumar Biswas, internationally renowned fashion designer Bibi Russell, officials and weavers, among others, addressed the seminar with Education Secretary Dr Muhammad Sadique in the chair.
Nahid said UNESCO has included “Jamdani” as an intangible cultural heritage in 2013 due to sincere and relentless efforts of the present government.
The people of the country have been producing “Jamdani” for a long time, which has been considered as an unique craft for its extra-ordinary weaving art of design, he added.
Both the government and the private sector patronizations are needed to safeguard “Jamdani” as the most traditional handloom weaving art, which eventually will boost image of Banglaee nation and expand its markets at the international levels, he added.
