Nahid for expansion of technical education to create skilled workforce

BSS, Dhaka :
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid, MP, Friday said technical and vocational education should be expanded to create skilled workforce to build an economically prosperous country.
“Certificate-oriented education would not be useful in building an economically advanced country,” he told a job placement conference organized by Shyamali Ideal Polytechnic Institute in a city hotel, an official release said today.
Education Secretary Md Nazrul Islam Khan, FBCCI President Kazi Akram Uddin, Director General of Directorate of Technical Education Shahjahan Mian, Chairman of Technical Education Board Abdul Haque, officials and representatives of donor agencies, among others, attended the conference with Principal of Shyamali Ideal Polytechnic Institute in the chair.
The education minister said nearly 80 to 90 percent students receive technical and vocational education in developed countries while only one percent student in Bangladesh used to receive technical education. Taking this into account, the present government has introduced time-befitting technical and vocational education with well-designed curriculum to attract students to take the education.
“Now over eight percent students are studying in vocational and technical education. Gradually, they are being encouraged to receive technical education to get better jobs,” he added.
Nahid said the government has attached highest priority to expansion of technical and vocational education to transform Bangladesh into a middle-income country.