Airports, borders alerted: Nab Ekram killers


Our Feni Correspondent :
Feni police in a belated move have sent letters to the authorities of airports and border guards to take pre-cautionary measures so that the accused killers of Fulgazi upazila chairman Ekramul Haque cannot flee from the country.
Admitting the matter, Feni Police Super Paritosh Ghosh told The New Nation yesterday that letters have been sent to all immigration offices and border check-post across the country to arrest the accused of the murder case.
The concerned authorities have been requested to issue red-alerts on airports and borders against the accused killers, who remained absconding after the incident took place, he added.
The Feni Police Super further said, they have information that some key accused of the murder including Feni Awami League joint general secretary Jahangir Mohammad Adel, Feni Juba League leader
Ziaul Alam Mister and Ruti Sohel mightry to flee the country.
When asked, he said, police have been trying to arrest them following the confessional statements of some arrestees.
The Fulgazi upazila chairman of Feni was shot and burnt to death by miscreants in the district town on May 20.
Hartal observed
Meanwhile, local Awami League (AL) observed a day-long hartal here demanding arrest of the killers of Ekramul Haque.
The AL activists brought out processions in support of the hartal. They blocked the Feni-Porshuram road with trees and set many objects on fire on Monday morning.
On the day, Feni was cut off from Porshuram and Fulgazi as vehicles went off the road.
