N Korean leader`s half-brother Kim Jong-nam `killed in Malaysia`

BBC Online :
The half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been killed in Malaysia, South Korean and Malaysian sources say.
Kim Jong-nam, 45, is said to have been targeted at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, the capital.
A source close to the Malaysian PM’s office told the BBC that Mr Kim was killed in the city, saying his body was now undergoing an autopsy. Kim Jong-nam was the eldest son of former North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.
Malaysian police have confirmed to the Reuters news agency that a North Korean man who died in transit to hospital from the airport on Monday was Mr Kim.
According to a report from TV Chosun, a cable television network in South Korea, Mr Kim was poisoned at the airport by two women, believed to be North Korean operatives.
A UK source with close ties to the Kim family told the BBC that poison had been involved in the death.
In 2001, Mr Kim was caught trying to enter Japan using a false passport.