N Korea digs DMZ trench after recent defection


North Korea appears to be fortifying its border in the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) with the South, days after a soldier defected by running across.
A US diplomat to South Korea has tweeted a picture showing workers digging a trench.
The defector was shot multiple times by border guards from the North at the spot last week.
South Korea has handed out medals to its soldiers who helped rescue the wounded defector.
Marc Knapper, chargé d’affaires at the US embassy in Seoul tweeted a picture of the scene after a visit to the DMZ.
Another diplomat visiting the same spot told the Reuters news agency he had also seen several workers digging a trench.
Media captionThe defector was closely pursued by North Korean troops
On 13 November the North Korean soldier drove up to the border, got out of the car and sprinted across.
Other soldiers from the North running after him fired at the man, seriously wounding him.
From footage later released by the UN, it appears the defector could have driven across if his vehicle had not broken down.
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