Myths that need to be forgot about

Life Desk :
All women have to suffer the agony of menstruation but much more incessant is the dark cloud of cultural nuances that hammer us down. As soon as the pitiable and othered ‘Mahine ke vo din’ arrive, we have our mommies telling us what to do and what not to do. Poor thing is that the infiltrators of this half-believed, half-cooked knowledge are women themselves and we have no option but to comply with these myths about periods. So, here’s looking into the hell that is made of those five days of our everyday living.
THE diet bars
· No carbs
· No oily foods
· No spicy foods
· No cold drinks
· No citric fruits
And it goes on. Putting restrictions for reasons, which can be proved is fine but following certain fads and not knowing why, is not right. There is hardly any scientific research that proves what we should eat and what foods we should avoid, says Dr. Anita Kant, HOD obstetrician and gynecology dept, Asian Institute of Medical Sciences. Some say that having pickles during your periods can land you with pimples. Some say that having foods that have a hot impact on your body should be avoided while others say that they should be had because they lessen menstrual cramps. Cold drinks may increase your cramps but they do not, by any means, freeze your flow! Dr. Kant says that this process of pain alleviation is as simple as hot fermentation and works as simply as it works to alleviate any other pain.
Just make sure that whatever you follow works for you and does not affect your body in any bad way in the long run.
Period sex and pregnancy
· Period sex is harmful
· You do not need precaution for period sex
· You cannot get pregnant of period sex
Sex, while you are down may sound horrifying to some but for many it is a way to alleviate menstrual cramps. Also, many women are PMSing horny and so they choose to hit the sheets. It is a healthy and natural way to feel better and studies say that period sex can help strengthen intimacy with your partner. So, why not? But letting a condom slip off during period sex is not fine: Neither for avoiding pregnancy nor for avoiding infections. A sperm can live upto five days inside a woman’s body and she may ovulate while the sperm is still there. And if you are planning for a pregnancy, you have definitely not planned for a sexual infection.
When PMS turns imaginary
It is high time that people accept Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) as existing already. The thing has had its share of identity crisis and it’s no more cool to call it a phenomenon “just in your mind”. It exists and can lead to pain, gastrointestinal issues, appetite changes, mood changes, headaches, migraines and water retention, among other things, says Dr. Kant.
When everything we like is banned in dark red
· No gym
· No exercise at home
· No washing your hair
· No swimming
· No going into kitchen
· No cooking
· No touching milk/pickles
· No everything
There’re no reasons that justify any of the above and no scientific research proves the above as harmful during periods, says Dr. Kant. You can gym and exercise if that makes you feel better, you can swim by using tampons (no, that won’t make you lose your virginity) or by wearing waterproof costumes and you can cook and throw a party if you may.
When periods can get you possessed
You must have come across at least one such person who told you that periods make your body weak and could make you an easy target for prowling ghosts and spirits. And your open tresses could add to the risk factor. May God be with you if you believed that.