Mysterious death of univ student in city

Staff Reporter :
A dead body of a private university student named Ashiq E Elahi was recovered from his girlfriend’s rented house at Koratoli Bazar, Kuril in the capital city on Wednesday.
Deceased Ashiq-E-Elahi was a student of American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB). His home district was Bhola.
Nazmus Sakib, a classmate of the deceased, told media that Elahi was a fifth semester student at AIUB.
He had a warm relationship with a classmate of the same university for last two years. The girl lived in a rented residence with
another girl in Kuril-Biswa Road area, added Sakib.
Meanwhile, Al-Amin, brother of the victims said, it might be a case of killing. Girlfriend is now trying to label it as suicide.
Bhatara Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Abu Bakar Siddiq told media that it was a mysterious death; sowe won’t to say anything right now.
We need time to know the fact what actually happened there.
However, the body will be sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) for an autopsy, added the OC.