Mysterious death of DU female student

Staff Reporter :
A female student of Dhaka University (DU) reportedly committed suicide in her rented residence at Azimpur in the city on Wednesday night.
The deceased was identified as Laila Anjuman Iva, 25, a student of 4th year of the Nutrition and Food

Science Institute of Dhaka University.
She used to live in a rented house with another female student on the ground floor of the residence at Sheikh Shah Bazar of Azimpur.
Khandaker Helal Uddin, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Lalbagh Police Station told the newsmen that Iva hanged herself from the window grill with a scarf in the mid night.
 “She was taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) instantly where the duty doctor declared her dead,” said the OC.
Motive behind the suicide couldn’t be known yet.
Love matter, however, might have led her to committing suicide, the OC said further.
