Myanmar’s foreign trade hits over $6b in over 2 months

Xinhua, Yangon :
Myanmar’s foreign trade reached 6.1 billion U.S. dollars as of Dec. 7 in current fiscal year 2018-19 which started on Oct. 1, according to the Commerce Ministry on Saturday.
The figures showed an increase of 343 million U.S. dollars, compared to the same period of last fiscal year 2017-18 when it showed 5.76 billion U.S. dollars. From Oct. 1 to Dec. 7, the country’s export totaled over 2.67 billion U.S. dollars while its import shared 3.43 billion U.S. dollars.
The country’s agricultural products, animal products, fisheries, minerals and forest products are mainly exported, while capital goods, intermediate goods and consumer goods are imported.