Myanmar reopens borders with BD as peace restored

Staff Reporter :
Myanmar has reopened No. 1 border gate with Bangladesh, which was temporarily closed after alleged attacks on some three border posts on October 9 last year, according to the State Counselor’s Office on Thursday.
The border gate was reopened for entry and departure through Maungtaw of Rakhine State at the weekend due to restoration of peace and stability in the region after Myanmar negotiated with Bangladesh, report agencies.
The surprise coordinated attacks by armed men on three border posts in Maungtaw on Oct. 9 last year prompted the closure of all border gates with Bangladesh for more than four months, resulting in financial hardship for local traders.
Myanmar’s Rakhine Violence Investigation Commission, which was formed on December. 1 and led by First Vice President U Myint Swe to probe into the background of the attacks, has so far inspected Maungtaw’s attacked areas for four times to find out the truth.
The armed men’s attack on three border posts, namely Kyikanpyi in Maungtaw, Kotankauk
 in Buthedaung and Ngakhuya Office, killed five soldiers and eight policemen .
In the latest development, Myanmar’s Sittway district court has handed out death sentence to one of the 14 captured armed men, who attacked the three border outposts in Maungtaw.
Uruma, also named Mammud Nu and Ular, who is charged with leading a raid on the border outpost in Kotankauk of Rathedaung and killing one police officer and injuring two others, was the first to have been punished in connection with the incident.
The remaining 13 accused are still under investigation.
A dusk-to-dawn curfew has remained in force in Maungtaw since October 10, but the curfew hours were reduced in Maungtaw since February 10 for the next two months as peace and stability were improving in the region.
The commission was originally tasked to formally report to the President by January 31, but it has been postponed as the new acquisitions concerned with human right abuses are appearing in Rakhine State. The overall report will be released when the investigation process is completely accomplished.
Meanwhile, the commission released an interim report on January 4, exposing that the armed attacks in Maungtaw were conducted by HavidTuhar-led AqaMul Mujahidin linked with Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) operating in the region.