Myanmar president vows ‘free and fair’ elections

AFP, Yangon :
Myanmar’s president Thursday reaffirmed his vow to hold a “free and fair” election after the country set the date for what many hope will be the most democratic vote in a generation for the former junta-run nation.
Millions will cast their votes in historic general elections on November 8 that are likely to be the first time in 25 years that Aung San Suu Kyi and her opposition party have taken part in a nationwide poll.
“As the first civilian government in many years, we have a responsibility and we promise to try our best to ensure that the upcoming general election is clean, free and fair,” said President Thein Sein, in a national radio address a day after the poll date was confirmed.
The Myanmar leader, a former general, has been cheered by the international community for unleashing political and economic reforms that have cracked open the country’s isolation, sparking the end of most Western sanctions.
But as elections loom, fears have grown that the nation, which was ruled by the military for nearly half a century, might be back-pedalling on its democratic transition.