Myanmar not ready for Rohingya to return: ICRC

AP :
Conditions in Myanmar’s northern Rakhine state are not ready yet for the repatriation of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya who have fled a military crackdown, the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross said on Sunday after visiting the region.
Myanmar has said it is ready to take back the more than 700,000 Rohingya refugees who have fled Bangladesh since August last year. It has set up two reception centres and what it says is a temporary camp near the border in Rakhine to receive the first arrivals.
But Red Cross president Peter Maurer said he did not believe returns should start any time soon based on what he saw during his visit. “I think there is still a lot of work to do till large-scale repatriation is a realistic possibility,” Maurer said. “Much more has to happen in terms of reception structure, preparations, also preparation of the communities to receive again those who came [to Bangladesh] from Myanmar.”
Maurer’s comments, made at the refugee camps on Bangladesh’s south-eastern coast, followed his visit to Myanmar, where he said he saw abandoned villages and destroyed houses.
A Myanmar government spokesman was not immediately available for comment on Maurer’s remarks.
Red Cross has become the main provider of humanitarian aid to Myanmar’s northern Rakhine state since the UN had to suspend its operations there in September last year, following government accusations that its agency had supported Rohingya insurgents.
Maurer said he said he met senior government officials in Myanmar’s capital, Naypyitaw, to seek approvals to increase Red Cross operations in Rakhine state.
He said he was satisfied with the cooperation from the security forces as well as the government to reach people in need.