Rohingya repatriation: Myanmar needs to create environ: Norway

UNB, Dhaka :
Visiting Norwegian Foreign Minister Borge Brende on Monday laid emphasis on creating a favorable environment for Rohingyas in Myanmar so that they can go back to their own homes from Bangladesh.
aI hope Myanmar will make it possible for these people (Rohingyas) to go to their own homes and
feel safe,” he said while responding to a question at a dialogue in a city hotel.
The Norwegian Foreign Minister thinks State Counsellor of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi could have done many things in protecting Muslim minorities in Myanmar.
He expressed displeasure over the ‘unacceptable’ way Rohingyas are being treated in the Rakhine State of Myanmar by their government and maintained that the international community needs to put pressure on Myanmar to that end.
aIf you’re not able to treat your minorities with dignity and inclusiveness, it shows you are lacking fundamental values,” said the Norwegian Foreign Minister mentioning that Myanmar needs to treat minorities with the highest values.