Myanmar nat’l killed by BGP in Naf River

Staff Reporter :
Myanmar Border Guard Police (BGP) shot dead a Myanmar national living in Bangladesh while fishing in the Naf River in Cox’s Bazar on Thursday morning.
The deceased has been identified as as Kala Miah, 40, a fisherman and son of Shahid Alam, living at Gudampara in Teknaf upazila in Cox’s Bazar. His home is Mongdu city in Myanmar, police said.
Quoting the locals and Border Guard Bangladesh, Taknaf Model Police Station’s Officer-in-Charge (OC) Md Moktar Hossain said that Kala along with two others went to the Nila Point of the river for fishing in the morning. As they
were rowing away from the spot after getting signal from Myanmar troops around 6:00am, the BGP members opened fire, leaving Kala dead on the spot.
The victim, Kala, was a Myanmar citizen. Who along with his family had been living here illegally for a long time, the police official claimed.
The body had been handed over to the family members after post mortem in Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital, the OC said.