Myanmar must take concrete steps to help Rohingyas return, says Shahriar

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh has said Myanmar must take concrete steps in areas of core concerns of Rohingyas in order to motivate the potential returnees to opt for voluntary return.
Bangladesh has also sought steps from Myanmar to ensure ‘conducive environment’ for Rohingyas’ return to the Rakhine State and Myanmar should share detailed information on this with the concerned people. “Pressure must be mounted and maintained on Myanmar to take back their nationals, guaranteeing their rights,” said State Minister for Foreign Affairs M Shahriar Alam.
He was addressing at the OIC Contact Group Meeting on Rohingyas at UN Headquarters in New York on Tuesday. The State Minister said visible steps should be taken by Myanmar and confidence must be built so that the displaced Rohingyas feel safe and encouraged to return.
“We are committed to their voluntary repatriation and already signed an agreement with UNHCR to get the voluntariness done in an impartial manner,” he said. Shahriar also said this is not a problem between Bangladesh and Myanmar but between Myanmar authorities and its own nationals, which is unduly affecting Bangladesh.