‘Myanmar must take back Rohingyas’


Disaster Management and Relief Minister Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya on Friday said Myanmar must take back the Rohingya people who crossed into Bangladesh fleeing violence carried out by the security forces.
“They (Myanmar) must stop atrocities against the Rohingya people showing respect to the international law. The Myanmar government should take urgent measures to ensure the sustainable return of forcibly displaced Rohingyas to their homeland,” he said after a meeting with Abdullah Erin, Governor of southeastern Sanliurfa province of Turkey, at the Governor’s office, an official release said here.
Maya said, “Bangladesh always stands by the oppressed people. We have given shelter to over 10 lakh Rohingya people on the humanitarian ground. Despite resource constraint, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has extended her support to the Rohingya people.”
Abdullah urged the global community to put pressure on the Myanmar government to take back their citizens from Bangladesh as soon as possible. Turkey will extend its support to expedite repatriation process of the Rohingya people so that they could go back to their homeland in a safe and dignified manner, he said.
Bangladesh deserves special appreciation for showing its extraordinary humanity towards the Rohingya people, he added.
“We seek support of the global community to end the Rohingya problem as it has already created different sorts of problems, including financial and social ones,” Maya said.
He thanked the Turkish government for extending their support on the Rohingya issue.
