Myanmar death toll hits 70

UN fears ‘crimes against humanity’


Myanmar’s military is likely committing “crimes against humanity” in its attempt to stay in power, a UN expert said on Thursday, as the junta claimed that ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi accepted illegal payments of cash and gold.
At least 70 people have reportedly been “murdered” since the February 1 coup, said Thomas Andrews, the UN’s top expert on rights in Myanmar.
The country is “controlled by a murderous, illegal regime” that was likely committing “crimes against humanity,” Andrews told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
These crimes likely include “acts of murder, enforced disappearance, persecution, torture” carried out with “the knowledge of senior leadership,” including junta leader Min Aung Hlaing, Andrews said.
While stressing that such offences can only be determined in a court of law, he said there was clear evidence that the junta’s crimes were “widespread” and part of a “coordinated campaign.”
Diplomatic pressure has been building on the generals, who have tried to quell daily protests by force.
The United Nations on Wednesday condemned the junta’s crackdown, which has seen more than 2,000 arrested, with even traditional Myanmar ally China calling for “de-escalation” and dialogue.
The military-which defends its takeover by citing alleged voting irregularities in November elections won by Suu Kyi’s party-held a rare news conference accusing the civilian leader of corruption.
In the capital Naypyidaw, junta spokesman Zaw Min Tun said the detained chief minister of Yangon admitted giving Suu Kyi $600,000 in cash, along with more than 11 kilograms ($680,000 worth) of gold.
“We have learned Daw Aung San Suu Kyi herself took this $600,000 and 11.2 kilograms of gold. The anti-corruption commission is investigating,” Zaw Min Tun said.
Nobel peace laureate Suu Kyi, detained since the coup, faces other criminal charges including owning unlicensed walkie-talkies and violating coronavirus restrictions by staging a campaign event in 2020.
State-run newspaper the Mirror announced on Thursday that the Arakan Army (AA) — which fights for autonomy for the ethnic Rakhine people in northern Rakhine state-was no longer considered a terrorist organization.
The AA has been fighting the army for years, with hundreds killed and some 200,000 civilians forced to flee their homes.
Myanmar expert Herve Lemahieu with Australia’s Lowy Institute said the military-known as the Tatmadaw-likely wants to focus on the protests.
“The Tatmadaw has many enemies, they don’t want to operate on too many fronts at once and the most pressing front at this point in time is against the ethnic Burman majority in the major urban centres,” he told AFP.
As the crackdown continues, the Sanchaung township in Myanmar’s commercial hub Yangon had another sleepless night, as security forces raided apartments searching for lost police weapons.
“They used sound bombs on every street,” said one resident. Another part of Yangon, North Okkalapa, was reeling after 300 arrests on Wednesday, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners monitoring group.
Thursday saw more hard-line action against demonstrators, with nine people killed, including six in central Myanmar’s Myaing township.
“Six men were shot dead while eight people were wounded-with one man in a critical condition,” a rescue worker told AFP.
A witness said five of them were shot in the head.
In Bago, a city north east of Yangon, Zaw Zaw Aung, 33, who is deaf, was shot in the head, his father Myint Lwin told AFP. “As a father, I am deeply sad for his death,” he said.
