Mustafiz returns home tomorrow


Sports Reporter :
‘New Sensation’ Mustafizur Rahman will return home tomorrow from London. Mustafizur Rahman was scheduled to come back in the city on Friday last. But he could not return home as the aeroplane ticket was not available. At last he got the ticket of Sunday. Mustafizur Rahman will start his journey from London from 9.30 pm and will arrive in the city on Monday night.
Mustafizur Rahman consulted with his surgeon Andrew Wallace on Wednesday. After examining him Wallace did not get any complications. So, he gave permission to Mustafizur Rahman to return home.
Physician of BCB Dr Debashis Chowdhury, who is now staying with Mustafizur Rahman in London, said, ” After healing of post operation and as his other condition is good, Andrew Wallace gave him permission to return home. Wallace gave him a plan for rehabilitation. Mustafizur Rahman will work according to his suggestions after return home.”
Wallace said, ” If Mustafiz follows the suggestions of him, he will return to the net practice within three months.”
Debashis Chowdhury said, ” Mustafiz will take at least five months for his total fitness from his shoulder injury.”
