Commentary: Muslim terrorists are a conspiracy against Muslims

A federal judge in New York ordered a stay on Donald Trump’s deportation order for people who have arrived in the US with valid visas from seven Muslim-majority nations last week. As thousands of people joined demonstrations at airports across America to protest over Mr Trump’s immigration ban on Muslims, a judge ordered the stay and lawyers said the President’s actions were unconstitutional. Now the Appellate Court refused to stay the earlier order of the court staying President Trump’s order of the ban.

The remarks he made against the judge, so-called judge, makes it clear that Mr Trump is a businessman who does not know the judiciary is the protector of the Constitution and no President is above law. We are with the American people in their fight against transgressors of the supremacy of the Constitution.

The Customs Officers are complying with the court order despite the Department of Homeland Security’s insistence the President’s decree would “remain in place” and the department would “continue to enforce” it.
As a reaction to American ban on Muslims of seven countries the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he would welcome any refugees turned away from the US.

The order of prohibition provoked outcry from the United Nations and NGOs working to stem the worst ever global refugee crisis, with more than 65 million people forced to flee their homes. Amnesty International warned the move could have “catastrophic consequences”, saying some of the worst fears about a Trump presidency were already being realised.

French President Francois Hollande has called on European leaders to give a firm response to Donald Trump, whose first steps as the US President have raised concerns among some of America’s allies in Europe. According to Hollande, the EU cannot remain silent when Trump’s voices support for the UK’s Brexit vote or suspends the arrival of refugees into US. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has slammed the travel ban, adding that “the necessary, decisive battle against terrorism does not justify putting people of a specific background or faith under general suspicion,” German Weekly Der Spiegel newsmagazine reported, citing her spokesman, Steffen Seibert.

Meanwhile the reaction from the Muslim world has been silence, or worse. Dubai’s Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security, Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, has praised US President Donald Trump’s recent decision to temporarily ban citizens from seven Muslim-majority states.


Like the governments of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the ultimate authority in Turkey, has so far said nothing about the ‘Muslim ban.’ Nor have other Muslim majority countries with the exception of Indonesia and Iran. Even Muslim majority Pakistan has remained silent on the issue.

Muslims are without strong leaders and that is the reason why Muslims are easy targets from the extremists in America. All over the world, Muslims are persecuted and humiliated when the governments of Muslim countries fight among themselves to destroy each other.

There should not be any doubt that President Trump and his likes are determined to wage a war against the Muslims as a whole. The conspiracy is too vicious for Muslim countries to remain unconcerned.

Mr Trump is also a crisis for the American people and such a situation offers Muslim countries a great opportunity to play their cards properly in association with sensible American people in their rejection of American extremism.

At the same time we should expose the true nature of ISIS and other so-called extremists. These terrorists are part of the conspiracy against the Muslims and as Muslims we should have the courage to say so and the readiness to fight terrorism in the Middle East without allowing the other Muslim countries to use fear of terrorism for establishing terrorist states.

Besides, we also feel strongly that the Muslims should not allow themselves to be humiliated as refugees. The Muslim countries have the resources to deal with the refugee crisis. But the filthy rich among the Muslim countries lack sensitivity and sense of human considerations to do their best.
