Muslim Council of Britain condemns attack


The Sun :
THE Manchester suicide bombing has been condemned as “horrific” and “criminal” by the Muslim Council of Britain.
At least 22 people, including children, were killed and 59 injured after fans were attacked leaving the Manchester Arena after an Ariana Grande concert last night.
While the identity of the attacker – who died in the blast – has not yet been made public, a top counter-terror expert says the attack was “absolutely jihadi” in nature.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the cowardly attack this afternoon, praising its “soldier” for bombing innocent children and music fans.
Muslim Council of Britain secretary general Harun Khan said this morning: “My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.
 “This is horrific, this is criminal. May the perpetrators face the full weight of justice both in this life and the next.
 “I pay tribute to the police and emergency services who have worked valiantly to save lives last night.
 “They were helped by civilians who rushed in to offer their support.
 “I urge all those in the region and around the country to pool together to support those affected.”
