Muslim Brothers say, New Egypt uprising ‘inevitable’

Hounded by Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi after briefly rising to power following the Arab Spring uprising, the Muslim Brotherhood sees a new revolution sweeping aside the current regime.
“No injustice can last forever,” Talaat Fahmy, the Islamic movement’s official spokesman, told AFP in Istanbul.
“People’s patience and ability to tolerate what is happening is not eternal. A street uprising is inevitable, although I cannot predict a precise date.”
Killed, imprisoned, and chased into exile by Sisi, the Muslim Brotherhood enjoyed a fleeting hold on power after people in Egypt toppled the late president Hosni Mubarak.
Their candidate Mohamed Morsi became Egypt’s first democratically elected president in 2012.
But Morsi was overthrown by the army when Sisi was at its helm, and the movement’s members have ever since been the victims of relentless repression — which they vow to surmount.