Identical khutba in Jumma prayer: Musallies raise voice against militancy

Staff Reporter :
Musallies raised their voices together from the mosques in prayer to almighty Allah, and simultaneously against militancy and terrorism on Friday.
In the Jumma prayer yesterday, most of the country’s mosques, including Baitul Mukarram Mosque, recited uniform khutba [sermon] denouncing terror and militant activities in the name of conducting jihad.
The Khatib [who delivers the khutbah of the national mosque described that Islam does not approve militancy; and there is no room for terrorism in the Islam.
Before Jumma prayer, the Pesh Imam [who leads prayer] of Baitul Mukarram National Mosque Mufti Mowlana Mohiuddin Kashemi offered boyan [religious discourse]. He also conducted munajat after namaz seeking country’s peace and prosperity.
“The terrorism is going on with an intention to create anarchy. The number of attackers is a few. But we can’t retreat fearing their activities. We must stand against them with united
 social strength,” Mohiuddin Kashemi said in his boyan.
Meanwhile, same voice was echoed by the Imams and Khatibs from most of the mimbor [daises of mosques] across the country urging the people to remain cautious about the militants and terrorists.
In some mosques the khatibs, however, discussed different matter while some other mosques read out khutba line-by-line which was earlier sent by Islamic Foundation Bangladesh [IFB].
Director General of IFB, Shamim Afzal said: All the mosques followed the same khutba, which was read out in Baitul Mukarram National Mosque. The Imams are asked to read out the identical khutba of IFB. They can also deliver khutba keeping similarity with the IFB khutba.”
The DG further said the initiatives have been taken apparently to create awareness among the people against militancy.
On Thursday, the IFB sent a two-page khutba to all mosques across the country with a view to involve Imam and musallis to resist militancy.
Official sources said that the IFB has taken this initative following recent terror attacks in different parts of the country, including Gulshan and Sholakia.
In the some recent attacks, it was found that most of the attackers were highly educated with rich family background.
Against this backdrop, the government sought cooperation from all walks of life to curb militancy and decided to conduct same khutba in all mosques across the country.