Mursi due to stand trial on spying charges


BBC Online :
Deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi has arrived at court for a new trial, on charges of espionage and conspiring to commit acts of terror.
He and 35 others are accused of working with Lebanese and Palestinian groups to carry out attacks in Egypt.
The charges are one of four prosecutions that the Islamist former leader now faces.
 Mursi was ousted by the military last July following mass street protests against his rule.
Since then there has been a severe crackdown on his Muslim Brotherhood group, as well as on other activists seen as hostile to the military-backed government.
The Brotherhood has been declared a terrorist organisation and authorities have punished any public show of support for it.
Other senior Brotherhood figures are also facing a raft of charges, including supreme guide Mohammed Badie and his deputy and former presidential candidate Khairat al-Shater.
