Murder while getting married, CID arrests lover after 3 yrs

Staff reporter :
Three years after the death of Kushtia cattle trader Shahidul Islam, the mystery of his murder has been revealed by Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Police, DIG Sheikh Nazmul Alam said while addressing a press briefing in the CID headquarters on Tuesday.
On December 23, 2016, Shahidul Islam went missing. In this connection, Shahidul’s mother Tamirun Nesa filed a murder case with the Kushtia court.
Shahidul’s late brother-in-law Motahar’s wife Rozina Begum, his father Jabbar Sheikh and mother Motiran Nesa were accused in the case. In November 2019, CID started to investigate the abduction case.
The DIG said that the main accused Rozina Begum was arrested on November 22, after he was given the responsibility of investigating the abduction case. Rozina confessed to the murder in a confessional statement.
“Referring to the story of the case, Nazmul Alam said Rozina Begum was married by Shahidul’s brother-in-law Motaher. But since Motaher did not have a suitable house to live in, he moved by Shahidul’s house with his wife. At that time, Shahidul fell in love with his brother-in-law’s wife.” He said.
When the matter came to light, Motahar rented a separate house with his wife. However, Motahar, and Shahidul’s wife died a few years later.
After their death Shahidul-Rozina’s extramarital affair intensified. But due to Shahidul’s financial difficulties, at one stage Rozina left Kushtia for Manikganj. There, her relationship with Supervisor Momin grew due to her work in Akij Textiles. They also got married. Although Momin was also married at the time. She also had two children.
The CID official said even after her marriage to Momin, Shahidul used to call Rozina on different occasions. This started the tension between Momin and Rozina.
Meanwhile, Momin and Rozina planned to kill Shahidul. According to the plan, Rozina called Shahidul and told him that she would marry him. On the night of December 23, 2016, Shahidul was taken to Sreepur for marriage. Rozina and Momin were waiting for Shahidul at Langalbad Bazaar in Sreepur. They took him through an open field.
On the field, Rozina and Momin grabbed Shahidul. There was a scuffle between them for about half an hour. When Shahidul got tired, Rozina sat on his chest and grabbed him with both hands. Mominul stabbed Shahidul and cut his limbs to confirm his death. Then they left the body there and went to Mominul’s house.
The day after the incident, the police of Sreepur police station recovered Shahidul’s body as unknown. It was thought that he have been killed by extremists. Police gave the final report of the murder case as they found nothing in the investigation. The body remained unknown.
Sujit Ghosh, the Investigating Officer of the case, said, “When I went to investigate the abduction case, I first tried to identify Shahidul’s last whereabouts. His mobile phone’s last location was at Langalbad Bazaar in Sreepur, Magura. The SIM used by Rozina was also in the same area. We then arrested Rozina from Ashulia in Dhaka and interrogated her. Momin was also arrested after her confession.
According to Rozina’s statement, CID went to the Sreepur Police Station in Magura and found out that on December 24, 2016, the body of a man was recovered from the area. Ho was buried unidentified. Although it was a murder case, the final report was given.
DIG Sheikh Nazmul Alam said, “We went to investigate the abduction case and found out that Shahidul had been killed.” We will appeal to revive the murder case.